Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy iPad wallpaper

As further confirmation of my hardcore geekdom, I crafted this wallpaper for my new iPad 2, which is more than halfway to a real-life Hitchhikers Guide. If Douglas Adams, a lifelong Apple fan, were alive today, I bet we’d see an official Guide app.
(And since I ordered my iPad through the Apple store, I received free engraving. Naturally, it’s now got “DON’T PANIC” engraved on the back.)
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Me LIKEY! Excellent art and may the HHG live in all our hearts forever. There actually was an info aggregating site in England some years back with the HHGTTG brand on it. Now that The Google has been invented, it would become only the smallest footnote in Web History if it had not already slipped into oblivion. (HINT: It did, loooong ago.)
Comment by Lan Yarbrough — March 31, 2011 @ 23:44
Hmmmm. Is somebody missing a finger?
Comment by Lan Yarbrough — March 31, 2011 @ 23:45
That’s what the H2G2 logo looks like. Your monkey man standards of fingeredness are not universal.
Comment by Beau — April 1, 2011 @ 7:16