The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

Zod 2008

Wednesday, October 5, 2005, 20:32
Section: Geek

Apparently, General Zod, in addition to being an authoritarian Kryptonian mass murderer and super-criminal, is also a lefty authoritarian Kryptonian mass murderer and super-criminal, and a little bit of a protectionist.

Universal health care. Even a criminal like myself is shocked that millions are not able to get health insurance and cannot pay for basic surgery. Who are these power brokers that allow the pigpen to become wormy and filthy? I demand your very lives, but I am not such an imbecile as to institutionalize suffering and poverty. You have my assurance that this shall change swiftly.

Corporate reform. You people have become disgusting minions to these things you call “corporations”. [sic] These things take your money and your land, put you into debt, send your jobs overseas, provide you with unsafe foods, and sue you when you say anything bad about them. Yet you people fatten them up at the ballot box. You give them free land, name your stadiums after them, allow them to telemarket you, and even sacrifice your own bankruptcy protections. Quite frankly it astonishes me. I will break this sickly codependency. It is I who shall be your ruler. I shall empower you with wealth to give me as tribute. A corporation cannot bow to me or give me tribute that comes from the heart.

You will buy U.S. made items. Why do you buy Chinese-made items when you know that it sells out the jobs of your family and friends? How will you buy those cheap things when you have no job? You are sending my wealth and tribute to foreign lands. I will not tolerate this.

Who knew?

On the other hand, I have it on good authority that Lex Luthor is a social conservative who favors free trade.


  • More information on Zod.


    1. Luthor is a social conservative?

      I have it on good authority that his (many) whores say differently… and the rest of his viewpoints on marriage are just shocking!

      On the other hand, I have no doubt that Luthor is a good fiscal conservative. He did transform a tiny futuristic technology concern into a global leader in business across the board.

      Comment by Blue Spider — October 6, 2005 @ 8:57

    2. Luthor isn’t the first leader to practice a “do as I say, not as I do” political philosophy. 😉

      Comment by Beau — October 6, 2005 @ 9:55

    3. Yeah, but to be fair 1) Ronald Reagan’s second wife seems far more pleasent than his first..

      2) and Captain America is always a schlub.

      3) and Superman was mind-controlled for half of those things!

      Comment by Blue Spider — October 6, 2005 @ 11:13

    4. and I find his anti-Superman policy to be highly questionable, but I am strongly for his anti-Sun-Eater politics.

      Comment by Blue Spider — October 6, 2005 @ 11:14

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