The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

National Treasure

Sunday, December 4, 2005, 9:16
Section: Arts & Entertainment

Although it won’t make anyone forget Prof. Indiana Jones and his father, the somewhat derivative National Treasure is still a fair amount of fun in the same vein.

Blending conspiracy theory with a whirlwind tour of Revolutionary War cities, the movie puts Nicholas Cage on the trail of the ancient treasure of the Knights Templar using clues hidden in plain sight by Founding Father Freemasons.

All of the elements are there: The slightly obsessive lover of history, the beautiful girl who takes herself more seriously than he takes himself and the disapproving father who has an adventurous past of his own. The villains never rise above the level of greedy fortune-hunters (as opposed to the “it belongs in a museum!” motivation that is as close to altruistic as this breed of hero gets), which is one of the flaws in the film, but everyone executes their roles well, including a very grounded Harvey Keitel as a down-to-earth FBI agent pursuing Nicholas Cage and company as they scamper up and down the east coast.

Definitely worth a rental for fans of Indiana Jones, Romancing the Stone and the like.

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