The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

Sarcoidosis: Doctor visit

Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 15:11
Section: Life

Either I’m a deeply narcissistic person who can’t imagine what’s going on with my health happens to other people, or I’m just a ninny. In any case, the idea that more people would face the problem of upset stomachs (and heartburn and threatened vomiting) because of taking an anti-inflammatory painkiller never occurred to me.

It turns out, though, that they do. So I’ve currently got the biggest box of drugs I’ve ever seen, for my Prevacid NapraPAC, which is basically two Naprosyn (naproxen) pain killers, one for the morning, one for the evening, and a Prevacid (lansoprazole) each day to fight acid and to stop the Naprosyn from eating into the lining of my stomach and setting me up for future ulcers. Tasty.

I’m also going in next week for a chest film (which is what the cool kids call x-rays these days) and a blood screen (which is what the cool kids call blood work). For the blood screen, they want me to fast for 24 hours beforehand. Apparently, blood screens work best if you’re irritable.

Ironically, today is a good sarcoidosis day, with just a few random jolts of pain in my fingers, toes and knees.

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