So, prior to being diagnosed with sarcoidosis last year, I was in the middle of a heavy-duty regimen of dental care repairing the effects of being too long without dental insurance on my gums. (Kids, don’t try this at home.)
I was just at the end when I went into the hardcore downward spiral, and missed my follow-up appointments and all the rest. (I was actually in surgery on the day I should have been getting my teeth looked at, if I remember correctly.) My illness precluded really focusing on getting back in the swing of things for several months. Today, I went back for my first cleaning since the operation. It didn’t go great — I’m feeling pretty thrashed right now after all the digging around in my mouth with The Hook of Doom and all the rest.
I did learn, from my horse-crazy hygienist, that horses can get sarcoidosis. I now have to come to terms with the realization that I will never run in the Kentucky Derby.
When I was born, the world was jamming to “I Heard It Through the Grapevine” by Marvin Gaye. Not a bad little tune and possibly an auspicious song for my later career.
What song was #1 when you were born?

It was a bug hunt.
Last week, the Daily Press formally launched its new digital version. For now, this full digital version of the paper is free, but at some point in the future, it’ll require a subscription, as I understand it.
I’m curious as to how the public responds to this. I don’t think it’s a great secret that Internet advertising isn’t turning in a great profit for anyone. As newspapers move towards a future where news-on-paper isn’t their main way of reaching readers, a more viable model than the current systems has to be found. Advertising on give-it-all-away Web sites isn’t working, and people are disinclined to register for newspaper sites (those ads pay more, since advertisers actually know who’s looking at them) and that leaves the industry to find new alternatives.
And that brings us to the Daily Press’ ePaper. If it’s successful, you can look for a Hesperia Star ePaper to follow.
I’ve been invited to take part in Read Across America Day this Wednesday, March 1. I’ll be reading … something to third graders at Topaz Elementary School here in Hesperia.
(The national day is March 2, coinciding with Dr. Seuss’ birthday. I’m not sure why Hesperia is doing it on Wednesday instead.)