Two quick notes
One for now, one for posterity:
- I may have been influenced early on by Peter Parker and Clark Kent (who says comics don’t warp young minds?), but it was Edward R. Murrow, when I first heard about him in AP Government class my senior year in high school, who really showed me that journalists not only could change the world, but at times, have the obligation to try.
Whatever you think of the easily drawn parallels to today’s political situation, see Good Night and Good Luck
ASAP. A great film, a great reminder of the mission of journalism and a great — and accurate — glimpse into the often-times nail-biting world of journalists doing the right thing, as they see it, consequences be damned.
“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn’t mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.” – Edward R. Murrow
Murrow is still The Man when it comes to journalists.
- Jenn says she sees the return of my creepy sarcoidosis internal bleeding blotches on my shins. And we’ll have fun, fun, fun until her daddy takes the T-Bird away.
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