The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

Paul writes a comic book script

Friday, April 21, 2006, 19:56
Section: Geek

Paul has an unusually eclectic mix of ambitions. When Jenn and I lived in North Hollywood, he flew out from Texas and stayed with us a week while he applied for the LAPD. (He did great on all the tests — he even had to retake one under supervision because they couldn’t believe he’d done as well as he had — but was bounced for admitting to experimenting with a drug once in college. Fill in your own joke about the LAPD here.)

Now he’s written a comic script and, given that he’s liable to do almost anything — he even married a Canadian — it’d probably be wise to support this endeavor.

Vote for the Secret Undertakings of Commodore Osborne and keep him off the streets.

Newspaper blogging

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 22:31
Section: Journalism

Peter and I haven’t had as much time to put into the Hesperia Star blog as we’d hoped, but I’ve been casting around for other small newspapers that blog, trying to get some inspiration … OK, steal some ideas. We’ve gotten a few readers commenting over there so far, but it’d be nice to get some more, if only to give us hints as to what clicks with folks and what doesn’t.

Return of the ants

Thursday, April 20, 2006, 19:18
Section: Life

My previous victory over the ants appears to have been aided by the weather, because this week, the ants have returned, once again establishing an initial foothold in my bathroom. (Their point of access appears to be a hole in the sealant around the base of my toilet, which would make a kinder person feel they’ve suffered enough.)

I still have some of the insecticide powder our previous Orkin man gave me, but I’m out of the MaxForce anti-ant weaponry. I’m hesitant to lay down a lot of poison in places the kittens can (and will) get to, but I’m thinking of going full-force in my bathroom and leaving the door closed until all the ants are dead. If they make it to the kitchen again, it’s going to be more problematic dealing with them, since Hanna and Lucky seem determined to misbehave in there when we’re asleep or at work.

1337 reviewer!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 21:32
Section: Arts & Entertainment,Geek

At this moment, I have 1337 helpful votes for my Amazon reviews.

If the comedy of this escapes you, count yourself lucky for not wasting brain cells on d00dspeak.

California Charter Academy, one year after the audit

Wednesday, April 19, 2006, 21:25
Section: Journalism

San Bernardino Sun: FBI investigating audit’s claim of misspent money

Victorville Daily Press: FBI investigating Victorville-based Charter Academy

Self, surely there’s still more that could (and should) be reported on this, right?


Copyright © Beau Yarbrough, all rights reserved
Veritas odit moras.