Here’s a sampling of the harder questions from the official sample test.
You answered 85% of questions correctly.
The most amazing discussions I’ve ever had about what the Declaration of Independence and constitution really mean were with Egyptians in Cairo, who all but wept talking about a kind of freedom they understood better than most who are born into it ever will, and which they had no expectation of ever having for their countrymen.
The least we can do as Americans, besides vote, is to be able to pass the immigration tests ourselves.
Whoops, forgot to ever look up the judges’ comments for the 2005 award winners, which are now available.
Belatedly, here they are for us at the Hesperia Star:
3B Best Feature Story
SECOND PLACE: Beau Yarbrough, Hesperia Star
They Ain’t Scared of No Ghost
COMMENTS: This was a whimsical and well-told story with nice details.
6B Best Law Enforcement/Legal Affairs Story
SECOND PLACE: Beau Yarbrough, Hesperia Star
High-flying in Hesperia
COMMENTS: Can a helicopter have a personality? This one does. The writer takes us along for a vivid ride and makes us feel a part of the air support team.
9B Best Government/Political Story
THIRD PLACE: Beau Yarbrough, Hesperia Star
Is the Hesperia casino really ‘terminated’?
COMMENTS: Well written.
29 Best News photo
THIRD PLACE: Peter Day, Hesperia Star
“Pacific Storm”
CATEGORY COMMENTS: Again it’s worth repeating what outstanding overall work in this category, it’s nice to see so many great photos in the contest. The first place photo is a standout in a category with a lot of great photos. The image of the sheriff wiping away the widow’s tear with a single finger is a real genuine moment. It’s a moving image.
iTunes has a short scene from Superman Returns available as a free download this week. I’m sort of nervous about how this film will be (not loving the awful haircut they’ve given him, for instance), but the scene sure works for me, especially the choice to use the music from the Christopher Reeve films.
- There are also free episodes of Everyone Loves Philadelphia, Kyle XY and not-working-at-the-moment Invader Zim.
Although it doesn’t quite scale the same heights as The Shield, The Closer has to be one of the smartest and most interesting police shows on television.
Kyra Sedgwick’s often-unlikable deputy chief careens through Los Angeles crime like a bull in a china shop, with a bemused (or outraged) crowd of law enforcement officials in her wake. She’s ably supported by a great line-up of actors, including veterans like J. K. Simmons (who will eventually appear in every crime/cop/law show) and James Avery.
The middle of the season lags at times, when Kyra’s character is implausibly romanced despite not being the only woman in Los Angeles, but the crimes are always interesting and the ways she deals with seemingly intractable suspects is always worth watching. By the end of the season, it’s clear the creative team has found their voice, suggesting that season two will be even better.
Strongly recommended for fans of cop shows, Kyra Sedgwick or J. K. Simmons.
From the Idaho Statesman:
Aubrey Matthews likes to swim, ride bikes and eat enchiladas. But the 6-year-old’s real passion is being a superhero.
The imagination of the Cole Elementary first-grader came to life Friday when the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Idaho, Windermere Real Estate and others orchestrated Aubrey’s wish to be a superhero for a day.
Aubrey, aka “Star,” has optic glioma, a brain tumor behind her eyes. But it didn’t stop her as she foiled crimes and chased her arch-nemesis, Black (named for the character on Neighborhood Watch signs), through the city of Boise, followed by a cavalcade of police cars.
With a determined look on her face, Aubrey used her super powers of X-ray vision, super strength, fast speed and blowing power to rescue a hostage from Black’s grip and tie the villain to the replica Liberty Bell in front of the Statehouse at about noon.
Hundreds of fans cheered her on.
“I’d like to thank you for your extreme bravery in capturing Black,” Mayor David Bieter said on the Statehouse steps after Black’s arrest.
“You have shown extraordinary crime-fighting skills,” Boise Police Chief Mike Masterson said before presenting her with a custom-made police uniform, badge and all.
Bieter proclaimed June 16 Make-A-Wish Day and Star Day, and swore her in as an honorary Boise police officer.
Aubrey also received a medal and pin from the city.
If you can read the whole story without tearing up, you’re clearly a supervillain.
More on Aubrey and her adventures as Star:
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