J. K. Rowling is hard at work on the final Harry Potter book, which readers can’t expect until at least 2007. I’d bet a chocolate frog on 2008, myself. (The article has some solid speculation, though.)
In the meantime, there is a new Harry Potter book out, If Harry Potter Ran General Electric. Although such business books do very healthy business as a rule (and this one may well do even better, given the HP cachet), it’s hard to imagine many 10-year-olds getting excited about this one.
Because my mom loves to make me nervous:
Unseen danger in bagged salads
It was Roi Dahl’s leftover lettuce that cracked the case. At the lab, scientists showed us how they were able to extract and isolate E.coli 0157 in the lettuce, then, using DNA markers, they compared it to the strain of E.coli that sickened Dahl, Amber Brister and the others. It was a perfect match.
Like a lot of Americans, we have multiple bags of pre-made salads in our refrigerator at home.
I was at the gang sweep staging area at Victor Valley College for hours on Friday while I waited to get photos of guys being brought into custody, with nothing to do but take a lot of photos.
Here are some highlights, including photos not published in this week’s Star:

My Dad is 62 today and celebrating by sailing all over the Caribbean.
I can’t wait to be 62.
And, you know, know how to sail.
Happy birthday-whenever-you-get-near-a-computer, Dad!
I’ve been getting a ton of spam directed to “jeffrey phillips,” which I assume is a marker to designate who originally sent it or who responded to it or something.
But a glance at Google doesn’t suggest it’s showing up in mass quantities elsewhere. Are other people getting stuff for him as well, or is it just some wonderful algorithm spitting it out for me, based on my domain name or something?