For anyone curious about whatever happened to former Daily Press editor-in-chief Don Ray, he has a blog.
This weekend, Jenn and I picked up the new dual-tuner TiVo, meaning I’ll never miss “My Name is Earl” for any show starring Geena Davis again.
Other than the TiVo button on the remote being further in than our previous unit, which I’m sure I’ll get used to shortly, it’s a great little unit, and does indeed record two shows at the same time (“Rock Star: Supernova” and the finale of “Last Comic Standing” this week … don’t judge me!).
But has anyone noticed if these units run hot? The new/inherited TV cabinet that our TV, DVD player and TiVo live in was getting quite toasty this morning until I opened the cabinet up to let it air out.
My PC is facing the same sort of thing, it seems — the motherboard apparently has burned out, which is as major of a problem as the transmission going in your car — and I’m a little jumpy about such issues.
OK, so it’s a pretty simple pet. Still, I can no longer say that nothing good ever came out of MySpace.
Beau Yarbrough from this day forward you will also be known as:
President McTwitch
I like the sound of that.
What kind of squirrel are you?
The cult of the iPod gobbles up Detroit:
Ford, for example, will be incorporating audio input jacks compatible with the iPod and other MP3 players into a majority of 2007 Ford, Lincoln and Mercury models. For an additional price, beginning early next year, Ford dealers plan to begin selling a system called TripTunes Advanced that will enable an iPod to be stored and recharged in a vehicle’s glove compartment while the driver or passenger directs its functions using controls on the radio or steering wheel.
So, not only could I satisfy my inner 10-year-old (who loved his little yellow Mustang Hot Wheels car), but I could satisfy my (not-so) secret technolust.
Evil, evil, evil.