The Burning Crusade gets a release date
In a break from Blizzard’s normal pattern of giving a street date for a game or expansion mere weeks from when it’ll actually appear on shelves (something I imagine retailers never enjoyed), the company announced today that the expansion to the blockbuster MMORPG will be released on January 16, a day I predict will see all sorts of mysterious ailments infecting people around the world, and who have no choice but to
go to the store stay home that day.
The question is whether I’ll be able to find a Collector’s Edition anywhere in the High Desert or whether it’ll mean a long drive down to LA and the Burbank Fry’s …
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Looks like I need to request some time off! 😀 Like you, I’ll either get lucky and find a copy of the CE here in the mountains or else it’ll be a three hour trip down to Atlanta. The closest Best Buy was kind to me on WoW release day so I’m crossing my fingers for this one.
Comment by Widge — November 10, 2006 @ 5:11