This sequel
to Kevin Smith’s original film is surprisingly charming, despite two weak leads as the titular clerks.
Whereas the first film was mostly gross-out humor and pop culture references, Smith is older and wiser and his clerks are both feeling the passage of time, which deepens a movie that, at its heart, is still mostly gross-out humor and pop culture references.
This is well worth seeing for fans of Smith’s Jersey films, but hard to recommend to anyone else.
Was cancelled.
That was anticlimactic.
Want to know what Batman has in his utility belt? (No, make that “want to know anything he’s ever had in his utility belt?”) Batman’s #1 stalker, kainwind, has the list of everything the Dark Knight (and his dorky ex-sidekick Nightwing) ever carried in their utility belts.
Surprisingly, spare rubber nipples for the “Batman & Robin” movie costumes aren’t on the list.
So, I was wondering, what forthcoming MMORPG has stiff-but-detailed figures, a generic “high fantasy” flavor and absolutely no sense of humor whatsoever?
Thanks for clearing that up, Sigil!
OK, geeking out time: I grew up on the Washington Post, either as the Post (when we were stateside) or back when it was one-half of the now much-inferior International Herald-Tribune. Even today, thousands of miles away from the Post, I still read it regularly, and when some other site points to an article there, I always check it out.
Despite what nationally syndicated infotainers might tell you, the paper that everyone reads in the Washington area is the Post, whoever you are and even if you’re waaaay out in the suburbs. (The biggest competition for the Potomac News wasn’t one of the myrid of other local papers surrounding the Beltway, it was the 800-pound gorilla of the Post.)
So when Post reporter Frank Ahrens calls the Star to apparently do a follow-up on a previous article on the future of local newspapers (a topic I’ve written about here before, more than once), I get as giddy as a schoolgirl. (No costume changes, though, sorry.) He talked to Peter and to our publisher, Stephan Wingert.
Allegedly he might be talking to me about the Star’s more aggressive push online, but really, given that he’s already talked to Peter and Stephan, I doubt he’s going to need anything from me. But still, cool.
When the article is posted, I’ll link to it here.