My name is used to hype a book
It was a complete surprise to see my name in the editorial reviews section on Amazon for Private Beach, Volume 2
. The blurb is from what I suspect is a long-lost CBR interview.
That said, Private Beach is pretty darn swell, so I’m happy for whatever small amount my name and blurb might help push the book.
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Bonzers! Did you also notice that your blurb is
PrOmInEnTlY featured on the Back Cover??
You are becoming a touchstone for all that is
good and valuable in the comic/fantasy world.
Comment by McMozzbi — July 14, 2007 @ 12:14
Alright, already. How many times do I have to refresh the page and not see baby picture?
Comment by Joel Y — July 15, 2007 @ 7:11
I stuck the camera in a random gift bag when we got home yesterday, and it was just found this morning. After I go to the store for some needed supplies, I’ll post pictures this afternoon.
Now, go buy copies of the two Private Beach TPBs for threadjacking.
Comment by Beau — July 15, 2007 @ 12:51