Candles from mom, cake by Jenn. Jenn will pay for her little joke: In about five years, I start telling everyone how good she looks for 40.
So, you got an iPod for [holiday of your choice] this year, did you? Well, in addition to sticking your entire CD collection into it, you can use it to replace your radio with a custom made channel, which you can pause, rewind or skip ahead with, too, via the magic of podcasting. It’s certainly what I’ve done, although I get a lot of podcasts from radio stations, mixing and matching for my own personal tastes.
Below is what I’m listening to now. Copy the links into the podcast software of your choice, such as iTunes:
Not all of these are daily. Some are weekly, a few are monthly and some are quarterly or follow no set schedule. I used to get more, like Fresh Air, but I found myself either not having time to listen to them.
I tried e-mailing this to Sharon, who’s been tracking this story since the beginning, but the glut of images choked the Star’s e-mail. So, here it is, blogged instead:
Photos of Dora from our Christmas visit to Oakland, where the stray cat who came in from the cold is alive and well and a big fan of my dad. As Jenn said, “All’s well that ends well!”

In the past, I’ve mentioned my association with the Women in Refrigerators site featuring interviews by Gail Simone about why comic creators keep using any available female character (except Wonder Woman, it seems) as a victim for some really brutal stuff.
Today, Something Positive comes up with a response of their own. It would probably help to be familiar with WiR before reading the strip.
Via the Wall Street Journal:
Family-controlled Freedom Communications Inc., which owns the Orange County Register newspaper, has postponed a plan to buy out two minority partners, Blackstone Group LP and Providence Equity Partners.
Freedom was planning to spend more than $500 million to buy back the roughly 45% stake held by Blackstone and Providence, according to people familiar with the situation. Freedom had intended to borrow from General Electric Co.’s GE Capital and others to fund the purchase, and the deal was nearly complete a few weeks ago, those people say.
But negotiations were suspended amid the credit-market turmoil. Some banks were leery of lending money to Freedom, in part because of uncertainties facing the newspaper industry, and Freedom also faced higher borrowing costs, a person familiar with the situation said. The Hoiles family, which controls the majority stake in Freedom, decided to wait until the market calms down, this person said.
The article also mentions the Hesperia Star:
In recent years Freedom’s businesses have turned in a mixed performance. While the Orange County Register has been buffeted by the same forces affecting all metropolitan daily newspapers, such as the migration of classified advertising to the Internet, the company’s community newspapers and television stations have done a little better.
Well, sort of.