“Mom, enough with the camera already!”
As of this afternoon, James has now mastered the difficult task of flipping over onto his back. (The previously mastered task, of flipping over onto his front, is just for newbies.)
Blizzard has just launched Blizzcast, their monthly (?) podcast talking about all things Blizzardy. This inaugural edition kicks off with interviewing Sam “Samwise” Didier, their art director, who talks about his history and process and a bit about StarCraft II. There’s also talk about the Sunwell Plateau, a new area coming to World of Warcraft later this year.
One of the things I like about Blizzard’s podcast is that the transcript is freely available. This was probably originally done to make translating the podcast into other languages easier, but it’s nice for them to make it widely available. (And, on that note, Blizzard, make the text for the voice emotes in WoW visible again, like they were in alpha. That text is also available for translation purposes, after all.)
You can subscribe to this podcast here
If you aren’t listening to That Sound Radio (formerly the Post Modern Rock Show), I have to assume it’s because you’re one of the rare people really happy with what’s on the radio.
Even if you are that rare person, it would be worth checking out the four most recent podcasts, which are the best songs of 2007, according to DJ Dave Cusick. What’s more, free MP3s of several dozen of these songs are available on the site.
Given that most of the music played on the four episodes lives up to its billing, it’s hard to beat that.