The first word
This afternoon, in the immortal words of Sir Mix-a-Lot, I “stopped at Taco Bell for some Mexican eatin’.” James took to it like, well, a kid to messy food, as you can see.

“Cat,” he announced, articulating it loudly and clearly as he sat back down.
He’s been working on “cat” for a while now, but the T phoneme has escaped him until now, turning “cat” into “caaaaaaaaaaaah.” Not today. Today, it’s official: He’s got his first word, and it’s “cat,” with a T, thank you very much.
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Congratulations, taco-flavored cat-lovers!
Comment by Joel — August 30, 2008 @ 16:03
Humph. Raising a cat-person rather than a dog-person is morally dubious on all sorts of levels!
Congrats James on the word though!
Comment by Nicole — September 2, 2008 @ 16:04