Yes, Virginia, I will be going to Blizzcon

And yes, I fully expect to be a huge target in PvP riding my Big Blizzard Bear mount around, and justly so, but that’ll be OK, too. Heck, by that point in the campaign season, getting stunlocked by a pair of undead rogues will feel like butterfly kisses.
I’ll be posting the usual reports on each of the panels here and elsewhere during Blizzcon weekend.
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Congrats! I considered getting the DirecTV package since you get coverage of the event and the mount as well, but I decided that $40 is pretty steep for a mount and video that’ll be streaming for free from a dozen different websites.
Comment by Widge — September 25, 2008 @ 6:31
Well, you’re paying half of what convention goers are paying for and getting the same information they are. Think about this long term. The mount isn’t going to be offered again so you might look back and wonder what the big deal about 40 dollars really was. Would you pay 40 dollars for a Murky pet if you had the chance? 😉
Comment by Jenn — September 25, 2008 @ 13:30
Errrr. Not to seem unenthusiastic about WoW swag but how about the collosal PITA of installing then trying to uninstall the DirecTV package (do you know how hard it will be to get the basturds to actually discontinue the service and restore the original service? I would like the fluffy bear but I hate those guys. The AT&T “Uverse” guys are already hounding me to death by phone, mail, email and TWICE by personal knocks on the door despite the “No Solicitors” sign. Bollocks to them.
Comment by Mozzbi — September 25, 2008 @ 23:51
Oh, and sincere grats, Ringo! Enjoy the weekend. You work awfully hard and deserve a little break.
Comment by Mozzbi — September 25, 2008 @ 23:52