Blizzcon: Day 2

Sorry I didn’t post this earlier: A 75-mile commute each way is more than I can handle nowadays. I was beat. I used to drive 55 miles each way to Blizzard, back in the day, and braving the Orange Crush meant that the drive was at least as long as a 75-mile trip most days.
In any case, the convention was even better the second day, partially because of its more targeted focus on WoW. I appreciate — in every sense of the word — how great it was to have a convention talking about all three of Blizzard’s big franchises, but having sold more tickets than ever, it would have been nice if Blizzard had kept all the old WoW panels and just used the other conference rooms in the Anaheim Convention Center for the smaller panels (lore, professions, etc.).
Next year, I’d like to actually stay down in Anaheim with Jenn (who didn’t attend this year) and have James hang out with his grandparents for the weekend. Partially because it was less fun sitting there by myself, tapping away on my iPhone without company much of the time, and partially because 150 miles of commuting made me useless (well, more useless than usual) when I finally made it home each night. I would also have liked to have seen the Video Games Live concert that wrapped up the show.
I did bring the power cord and plug for my iPhone on Saturday, but just like when you bring the car to the mechanic and the noise that was bothering you stops, I didn’t end up actually needing it. Still, next time, I’ll get a supplemental battery pack ahead of time and bring it with me.
The Big Blizzard Bear in-game prize won’t be available until tomorrow, when WoW gets patched to be ready for the new expansion next month, but a good looking mount like that is worth the wait.
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