Nineteen months

James has started communicating more lately: In addition to “CAT!” and “ssssh” (fish), he’s begun signing “Daddy,” “cracker” (when he actually wants a cracker, instead of just imitating the kids on TV) and “more,” although he only does that when he wants a sip of soda from a straw, so he may not realize it’s used for more than that.
He will also tow an adult to whatever he wants and point at it, including getting a diaper when he wants to be changed. He’s even asked for a bath.
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He’s sporting a fun little bump on the forehead, there.
Comment by Jeff Hamilton — February 14, 2009 @ 9:43
And a scratch under his eye. It’s like living with a tiny Johnny Knoxville.
Comment by Beau — February 14, 2009 @ 10:36