The staggering awfulness of the iOS6 Podcast app — which I’m now forced to use, since Apple disabled playing podcasts through their regular Music app — has forced me to look into alternative podcasting apps for my phone. My new job has me driving a lot more — I’ve driven 732 miles since the last time I submitted my mileage to the paper, almost four weeks ago — and I listen to podcasts when I drive, so this is a matter of some importance to me.
I’ll likely be switching over to Downcast or Stitcher, plugging the following podcasts into whatever new program:

To celebrate the release of World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, here are iPhone 5 wallpapers for the two best races to play. (Gnomes are also acceptable and, in theory, so are pandaren, although I’m sure I’ll disagree on that latter point once every other person is playing one in a week’s time.)
If it seems like this is a lot of posts featuring new wallpapers, I actually did them all on one lazy Sunday afternoon. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse, but at least it means this semi-defunct blog hasn’t been turned into an all-wallpaper blog instead of whatever it was previously.
Just in time for Talk Like a Pirate Day — arguably the most important holiday of the year, in any nation or religion — wallpaper based on Calico Jack Rackham’s flag (much cooler than the more traditionally seen Edward England flag). I’ve learned way more than was perhaps intended about pirate flags over the years shopping at (Where I have, not coincidentally, bought multiple Calico Jack shirts.)
You may recall my previous H2G2 wallpaper for the iPad 2. Here it is, with a different sector of space as background, for the iPhone 5. Share and enjoy.