The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough


Thursday, June 23, 2005, 18:47
Section: Miscellany

OK, unlike on the classic version of this site, the reason for its name isn’t spelled out. So here for posterity, is what LBY3 refers to:

Lanier Beauchamp Yarbrough III

It seems there’s a form of institutionalized child abuse in the South, where a boy’s middle name is his mother’s maiden name. There was never any trouble seeing who was actually a real Southern boy at my fraternity at Virginia Tech.

Yarbroughs never being content to merely do as much as a normal person would, my great grandparents decided to kick it up a notch when naming their son, giving him yet another maiden name for his first name. I think it was his paternal grandmother’s maiden name, but I’m not sure.

So, basically, I have “[last name] [last name] [last name] III” for a name. Small wonder I was the last kid in first grade to learn how to spell his own name.

And that’s the story of this URL. We will never speak of this again.

1 Comment »

  1. Dream on!

    As a naming convention, it’s not limited to the US south; it was a long-standing tradition amongst scotsmen as well, with a twist… the mothers’s surname doesn’t become a middle name, it becomes a prefix of sorts in the surname. Case in point, my father being James Crichton Hamilton Smith. Hamilton Smith being the surname. His father was Alexander Walker Smith, Walker Smith being the surname. And so on.

    I think your adding the ‘III’ is simply overcompensation for not having as many names as me. But that’s ok. Be content!

    Comment by OzBat! — May 17, 2008 @ 23:59

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