Hesperia, with its grid system of streets, certainly experiences a phenomenon similar to Manhattanhenge twice a year, but with few two-story buildings, and only a handful that I’m aware of taller than that, it wouldn’t be all that impressive.
That said, I’d love to see a similar video for, say, Washington, DC.
Well, I didn’t manage to get Blizzcon 2009 tickets for me and my dad on the second try this morning (I will hopefully be able to get a press pass for me, at least), but Blizzard did have a fun way to pass the time: The Flash-based game Failoc-alypse, where Blizzard characters slaughter the “failocs” (guys dressed up in Murloc costumes from Blizzcon 2007, which was shown when people failed to get tickets last time) in front of the Anaheim Convention Center, where Blizzcon is held.
I played as a Draenei death knight, but Starcraft lead character Jim Raynor and a Diablo III witch doctor were also available.
Not as good as tickets, obviously, but a cute way to pass the time, and poke fun at last year’s disastrous ticket-selling procedures, which were greatly improved on this time around … even if I didn’t get tickets.
OK, sure, Fallingwater and the Guggenheim are somewhat over-hyped (or outright triumphs of design over actual utility), but that doesn’t mean that these Frank Lloyd Wright Lego sets aren’t super-cool.
I’d love to see a Chrysler Building Lego set some day.
Tipped by my brother, the bluebird of happiness who also woke me up the morning of the Challenger explosion and told me to turn on the television the morning of September 11 (early morning communications from Joel are never good news): Duke Nukem Forever developer 3D Realms has gone bankrupt.
Gee, I hope this won’t delay the game.