The continuing adventures of Beau Yarbrough

What cats know about war

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 10:20
Section: Journalism

The NYT’s Baghdad bureau isn’t able to alleviate much of the suffering in Iraq. They are, however, able to save some stray cats:

IT was a bitterly cold night in the Baghdad winter of 2005, somewhere in the predawn hours before the staccato of suicide bombs and mortars and gunfire that are the daily orchestration of the war. Alone in my office in The Times’s compound beside the Tigris River, I was awaiting the telephoned “goodnight� from The Times foreign desk, eight time zones west, signaling that my work for the next day’s paper was done.

That is when I heard it: the cry of an abandoned kitten, somewhere out in the darkness, calling for its mother somewhere inside the compound. By an animal lover’s anthropomorphic logic, those desperate calls, three nights running, had come to seem more than the appeal of a tiny creature doomed to a cold and lonely death. Deep in the winter night, they seemed like a dismal tocsin for all who suffer in a time of war.

With others working for The Times in Baghdad, I took solace in the battalion of cats that had found their way past the 12-foot-high concrete blast walls that guard our compound. With their survival instincts, the cats of our neighborhood learned in the first winter of the war that food and shelter and human kindness lay within the walls. Outside, among the garbage heaps and sinuous alleyways, human beings were struggling for their own survival, and a cat’s life was likely to be meager, embattled and short.

Cat populations in the wild expand arithmetically with the supply of food, and ours multiplied rapidly, with as many as two or three litters at a time out in the shrubbery of our gardens, or beneath our water tanks.

Soon, our compound was home to as many as 60 cats at a time, their numbers carefully tallied by Younis and Saif, the enthusiastic young Iraqis who prepared heaped platters of rice and lamb and beef — and, as a special treat, cans of cat food trucked across the desert from Jordan, over highways synonymous with ambushes, kidnappings and bombings. As The Times’s bureau chief, part of my routine was to ask, each night, how many cats we had seated for dinner. In a place where we could do little else to relieve the war’s miseries, the tally became a measure of one small thing we could do to favor life over death. The American military command has a battery of “metrics� to gauge progress, and the nightly headcount of the cats became my personal measure, my mood varying as the numbers went up and down. Sometimes they went sharply down, during winter epidemics of cat flu, or after attacks by the compound’s two dogs (war refugees themselves) that proved, as they grew beyond puppies, to have a feral antipathy to cats programmed in their bones.

Not everyone in the compound saw the burgeoning cat population so fondly. Some, including my wife, Jane, who works as the compound’s chief administrator, loves cats as much as anyone, but thought matters had gotten out of hand when middle-of-the-night fights between the dominant males outside our building threatened to wake the devil, or when suppertime walks past the “cat motel� we built from a stack of water-bottle crates outside one of our kitchens turned into a pied-piper’s epic, each step followed by dozens of hungry, impatient meowing creatures.

One control measure, having the cats spayed, was unavailable, since all of Baghdad’s domestic-animal veterinarians seemed to have fled, among hundreds of thousands of other Iraqis who have sought sanctuary abroad. One attempt at neutering our female dog, Itchy, by a farm-animal vet, nearly killed her.

Worth registering to read (or using the BugMeNot plug-in for Firefox, shhh).

More about TimesSelect going bye-bye

Monday, September 24, 2007, 10:42
Section: Journalism

On the Media had a good piece this weekend on the dissolution of TimesSelect. The argument given on the show is that Google News and the like can’t see firewalled content, meaning fewer readers and thus fewer eyeballs for ads. At the end of the day, ad revenue outweighed subscription revenue. I still see a value in requiring registration, but I hope that the NYT’s experience (and the rumored end of the Wall Street Journal’s pay-only content) influences every other news site out there.

Hesperia Days parade

Friday, September 21, 2007, 11:06
Section: Journalism

It’s official: Rain or shine, the Hesperia Days parade is on. Look for me, Peter and Sharon doing our best beauty queen waves tomorrow morning as we roll down Main Street.

NYT says goodbye to subscription-only content

Thursday, September 20, 2007, 19:24
Section: Journalism

TimesSelect is dead:

Effective September 19, 2007, TimesSelect has ended. Content previously published for TimesSelect is available free to all visitors

You still need to register to read a lot of the NYT site, though. Lots of sites do this, to keep an eye on who’s reading their articles so that they can better market you to advertisers. Of course, if you’re using Firefox — as you should be — you can just use the BugMeNot add-on to get around even that.

I don’t know if I buy that information wants to be free, but Internet users sure want it that way. Making Internet content commercially viable is going to require a change in the advertising model (TV advertising falling apart will end up helping here, in the end), not creating ways to irritate would-be readers.

Victor Valley Airshow, redux

Monday, September 17, 2007, 13:19
Section: Journalism

So, I survived. More than that, I had a pretty good time. I went up in airport manager Garry Abbott’s restored 1952 Beechcraft Bonanza C-35 (it was the cool silver one with blue flames painted all over its nose).

The world’s largest American flag attempt didn’t go off as planned — “that’s why they call it an ‘attempt,'” as Abbott said — but that meant a lot of time flying over the High Desert.

The thermals off of the sand, asphalt and so on made for a somewhat choppy ride, especially as the day wore on, but it was an interesting way to start off a Saturday. There’s talk of possibly trying the world’s biggest American flag this weekend during the Hesperia Days parade. We’ll see if that happens and how it goes.


Copyright © Beau Yarbrough, all rights reserved
Veritas odit moras.