I couldn’t make this up.
Disaster … it can happen anywhere,
But we’ve got a few tips, so you can be prepared
For floods, tornadoes, or even a ‘quake,
You’ve got to be ready – so your heart don’t break.
Disaster prep is your responsibility
And mitigation is important to our agency.
People helping people is what we do
And FEMA is there to help see you through
When disaster strikes, we are at our best
But we’re ready all the time, ’cause disasters don’t rest.
(And yes, there is audio.)
I certainly feel safer the next time a major disaster strikes.

All righty, then …
Apparently, there are so few people from Guam, you can actually have a Web site called PeopleFromGuam.com. I know this because our office manager, Maria, has a page there. Very MySpace-ish, but with a tropical flavor.
(Fun word to say: Chamorro. It’s the native people of Guam and their language.)
From Reuters:
Voters in the US state of Minnesota may find a self-proclaimed vampire on the ballot for the office this year.
Jonathan ‘The Impaler’ Sharkey says he plans to announce his bid for governor today on the ticket of the Vampyres, Witches and Pagans Party.
“Politics is a cut-throat business,” he said.
Eight years ago, Minnesota elected a former professional wrestler, Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura, as its governor.
“I’m a Satanist who doesn’t hate Jesus,” Mr Sharkey said.
“I just hate God, the Father.”
But ‘The Impaler’ says he respects all religions and if elected, will post “everything from the Ten Commandments to the Wicca Reed” in government buildings.
Mr Sharkey has also pledged to execute convicted murders and child molesters personally by impaling them on a wooden pole outside the state capitol.
And here I thought this year’s city council race would be colorful …