Victory at last! Jonah figured out what was interfering with comments. Comment away, my people.
Well, my dad only has to keep taking dozens of vitamins a day for 15 more years, because apparently, we’ll all be merged with machines in 2020. I’m hoping I get merged with a navy blue 1966 Ford Mustang, myself.
Love your iPod but hate its predilection for picking up minute scratches? Apparently, Brasso works, giving you a second chance with your machine, at which point I recommend you run out and pick yourself up an iSkin. (I have the Ghost model myself.)
I know, I know, you all sit around saying, “gee, if I can’t live in Hesperia near Beau, it sure would be nice if there was some computer wallpaper I could use that would be the next best thing.”
So, here you go.
The image is a photo I took earlier this year that originally appeared in the January 25, 2005 edition of the Hesperia Star. The snow on the mountain tops lasted until mid-summer.
It’s what I use on my machine at work.

In honor of September 19 being Talk Like a Pirate Day, me hearties, click here to read this entire site in a more piratical frame of mind.
Thems that clicks will be the lucky ones.
More talkin’ like a pirate, aye, right enough, Captain.
From pirates to superheroes: Last Friday’s edition of Science Friday includes an interview with the author of the forthcoming The Physics of Superheroes. (It turns out that Peter Parker really is responsible for Gwen Stacy’s death and that Stan Lee and Norman Osborn didn’t really understand what terminal velocity means.)
A site I helped design years ago for Gail Simone is now the subject, more or less, of a Wikipedia entry. Weird. (The pink wasn’t my design decision, but everything else is my fault.) It’s also a little bittersweet to see the late Rob Harris credited for his help in developing the site. He was an amazing guy I miss often and deeply.