Aaaar! It’s that time of year again, by thunder: Talk Like a Pirate Day!
Here be some powerfully piratical links for you land-lubbers to catch up with:
(Courtesy of PirateMod, who produce Cap’n James’ onesie above, as well as t-shirts owned by his father, arrrrrrrrrr …)
“Washington is a city of Southern efficiency and Northern charm.” — John F. Kennedy
Well, Amazon Vine is up, but the initial five books available for free preview (and then review) were gone, gone, gone before I even logged in. Just by chance today, I logged in, saw a new book had been added and still had five copies left. I should receive my copy of Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
shortly. I’ll link to the review when I’ve got it done.
So, all those reviews that not enough of you read and furiously click your approval of? Well, next week, Amazon launches a new program to prime the pump with early reviews, Amazon Vine, and it’s invitation-only. And apparently, I just made the cut.
I’m a little unclear whether there will be free stuff with this program, or whether it’s just a chance to buy stuff early with the understanding that I’ll be writing a review of said stuff when I’m done. Amazon has also promised that whether the reviews are good or bad, it’s all good, so long as there are reviews for select products when they’re released, presumably to stimulate conversation and debate about said products.
We’ll see how this works on the 15th.
Well, this is depressing: New Mexico Magazine gets so many stories about people who think that New Mexico is part of Mexico, and not the United States, that they’ve had a humor column about it for decades now.