you've never done so, talk to Bonifacio in Lucasio until he starts to
repeat himself. His advice and game instructions are excellent.
Check the
medicine cabinet in Marcus' house for a first aid kit. Also check
under the crates in Indy's house. There's sometimes one there,
Go into
the cantina repeatedly to load up on bananas. You have to have the map
before Gabriela will give you anything, though, just as José
won't give you any Yerba Buena until you have a weapon better
than the whip. This is what's known as "tough love," I guess.
drink the tequila if you're already wounded. You didn't think
anything good would happen, did you?
When in
doubt, shoot. You can't hurt anyone you need to talk to, so there's
no downside. In fact, enter blasting.
When fighting,
hold down the spacebar to get rapid fire. Or rapid whip, as the case
may be.
to try to push and pull: Stone blocks, boulders, crates, easy chairs,
piles of bottles, bar stools, camp stools, car engines, tan stone slabs
(graves?). Don't go pushing on cacti, though; sometimes you'll get wounded.
The map
works as a pause button. And remember to click on all the symbols on
the map. The information you get this way can be especially useful when
entering a new screen full of enemies.
The map
doesn't always show everything. For instance, if there's an
oddly symmetrical grouping of stones (like a cross or a diamond), try
moving them around and see if you can move the centermost stone. Odds
are, there's something there. For the same reason, try and move
everything moveable once. Something may be hidden underneath, or it
may trigger something.
In palm
tree-filled areas, look around for bananas or Yerba Buena. There's
almost always some there. You may have to look under a boulder, or it
may be obscured by a tree.
Indy actually
offers pretty good advice during the game; when circling a puzzle, pay
attention to anything he may say. If he says something, for instance,
needs a "sharper eye," be on the lookout for a gem called an "eye" later
on, and so on.
Explore the whole map before giving up in frustration. You'll usually
find an object needed to solve your dilemma. If the puzzle doesn't require
an object (the map will tell you), the puzzle is somehow solved within
its own "room" on the map. The button to open a door, for
instance, is near the door somewhere, not in another room.
to save your game before entering the final part of your adventure (marked
with a star on your map). It's always filled with lots of enemies,
possibly including supernatural ones.
Once you're
done with your game, click on the score screen (once the music ends)
and you can continue roaming Indy's world. Return any antiquities to
Marcus, including (if you find it) the golden idol Belloq stole in "Raiders
of the Lost Ark" and swing the Aztec sword in front of Marcus.
Pointless, but fun to get the reactions out of him!
how to get that score up? This is covered in the game's Help
file - you did read the Help file, right? - but it's worth
going over again: The harder the game, the faster you win, the
healthier you are at the end, the better you do, scorewise. While the
balance of world size, combat difficulty and game speed are all a matter
of individual tastes, I recommend avoiding as much combat as possible
(the vast majority) and ending the game as healthy as possible. Go kill
the critters after you've gotten your score, you know?